Jolie's Diary @ Jolvlee Jolvlee

The Latest

February (my favorite month, my birthday month & Chinese New Year) is officially over!
Today I totally no mood to work, next February please come back ASAP  :P
What I had done in my favorite month?

1.  Celebrate my birthday with Mr. Sam a.k.a “someone” (he force me change his nickname in my blog) at Marini’s on 57 – the most awesome birthday celebration I ever had.  Mr. Sam, next year please do better than this year!
Birthday post is here --> Marini's on 57..My Birthday Celebration

2. My colleagues also celebrate with Cheryl & me (same birthday, so coincident but I older than her .. .....4 years)!

3. My sister makes this cute birthday card for me – she refers to one of my Singapore trip photo. So talented!

4. Pasta Zanmai Yee Sang – Purposely bring my colleague try it before he fly back to UK. Although not an ordinary Chinese Yee Sang, but at least let him know the meaning of Yee Sang   ..LOL  
5. My lovely colleagues, two guys leave us already! All the best in future career ya! 

6. What I do in Chinese New Year? Actually this year is quite boring, almost spend whole week staying at home. Chu 6 I had gathering with my secondary classmate and my lovely teachers. We bring teachers to pub and drink till Hangover (actually the pub is open by my secondary classmate which locate in Seremban S2 Uptown Avenue called Hangover)!

7. Did you try labi labi (水魚/Malayan softshell turtle) before? My kampung -  Kuala Pilah is famous with labi labi noddle. Frankly I just try 3-4 times in my whole life, the labi labi “gel” part have high collagen and the noddles soup just taste like Bak Kut Teh. The price is so expensive, RM6 per bowl! Normally we will order from Pang Kee.

8. Recently I try to improve my makeup skills, hope can look like Korean Girls .. Lol! To be honest, I did edited the photo with Meitu XiuXiu (this apps is genius)!
Refer to my post-- > Coral Red Lipstick & Straight Eyebrows..inspired by Stylenanda

9. 八色小籠包-樂天皇朝
10. from 糖伯府
11. Taiwan Style Steamboat from SS2 Mall …quite similar to what I had tried before in Taiwan.
12. Sushi Zanmai

13. My BFFs! We brought same rings and sandals! Feel like back to University time

Game that I play recently ~
14. Catch a number by Pocket Arena (Android) - the simplest game ever and you can challenge your friends. Any Game Developer welcome to join Pocket Arena project, if you interest to monetize with your games please contact me (
15. Candy Crush Sage - everyone playing this (send me lives)!
16. Line Play .. is it cute? you can decorate your room with cute furniture & dressing with cute outfit (Add me: Jolie & Invitation code:BZ-9356-5804
17. Puzzle Craft - I have no idea why I will addict to this game, but is really fun!

That's all for February~




  1. 韩妞招牌粗、平眉 - 几乎所有的韩妞的眉毛都是比较粗,而且都没有弧度、接近平的眉毛。(我的眉毛技术还没练成,首图和以下照片是我第一次使用眉笔画的粗眉!)
  2. 单色眼影 - 最近流行的眼影画法比较少层次,通常只使用一种颜色,或在眼尾加上少许深色的眼影。
  3. 打亮臥蠶- 韩妞的臥蠶都亮亮的!
  4. 珊瑚色唇膏 - 最近我很容易被珊瑚色、鲜红色的唇膏吸引! 我买了Maybelline - Coral Crush,拍照时这颜色还是不够突出(我还想买Stylenada的!)

这张用手机拍的,不是很清楚 :(

Maybelline -#Coral Crush




来到新加坡的购物重点区,我check-in之后就飞奔到Orchard Road逛街了!
不免俗的在夯的购物中心 - ION Orchard拍照 。

Tory Burch ~本想说这牌子马来西亚没有,应该在这里买点东西,但是都没有中意的~ 

最后在Marc by Marc Jacob买了一副墨镜,这副墨镜没在马来西亚看到,应该是旧货吧,这里也只剩这一副了~


最后祝大家情人节快乐~ Happy V day ~ 


新年来了!大家应该都买好了新年衣, 我这时候才发新年穿搭小贴士好像有点迟 :P
没关系, 还有情人节!
今天就跟大家分享如何把"红色"注入穿搭中, 而不会显得老气或庸俗!

首先, 可以从饰品和配件开始使用红色!

"Celebrity style"

担心辣椒红(左,右)会太"刺激", 可以尝试酒红色(中)。我♥红色贴身小礼服

Taylor Swift好适合红色! 红色高腰短裤好正点

辣妈, 红色高跟鞋好辣哦!



怕红色太抢眼, 可以用外套掩盖一下! 
"Makeup- Red Lips" 
最近红唇妆好流行哦! 好时尚! 
近期我可能会尝试 ♡♡♡♡♡

我红色配件和衣服不多耶! 要多进一点红色的货, 哈哈哈哈! 
首先从红色唇膏开始~ 有什么好介绍? 

最后, 祝大家新年快乐! 
Happy Chinese New Year! 


我第一次参加Nuffnang Premiere Screening


《西遊·降魔篇》的特效太厉害了(以中文电影的水准)。和其他贺岁片比较,这部电影的素质是超水准的。 至于好不好笑就见仁见智,但是在电影院时,有几幕全场的人都在笑。



此片可谓《大话西游》前传, 故事围绕年少时期的唐僧与孙悟空的相识经过及冒险历程,其中更会交代上集周星驰经典对白“爱你一万年”的源起, 故事中涉及一段爱恨交缠的感情。


“唐三藏 -- 文章”






January Favorite Photo :P 

Anniversary Getaway| Singapore 

Outfit in Singapore 

My favorite spot in Singapore: Universal Studio & Marina Bays Sand

Yummy food I had tried in Singapore 

New Sunglasses brought in Singapore - Marc by Marc Jacob (Recently MMJ is irresistible to me)  

More detail about my Singapore trip (still got 1-2 posts haven't update, stay tune...): 

Mirror Mirror on the Wall, Who is the Fair one of All? 

I want to become fair & pretty!  
LANCOME Genifique Youth Activator help me alot, although is quite expensive. 
Try out OPI Liquid Sand (stay the night) and TopShop nail polish (metallic purple) 

All about Food&Fun!

Moo Moo Cake .. cute & yummy.. the taste is so special (from Tokyo Pastry @ Dataran Sunway) 

Antipodean Café @ Bangsar  (coming soon..) 
myBurger Lab @ Sea park  (coming soon..) 

This year One Utama CNY decoration so special... HK style  

Party Hard! 

Going to We Love Asia Music Festival @ Sepang International Circuit! Having so much fun on that night! The music & performer is AWESOME!!!  

Work Hard! 

Party Hard & Work Hard! I pass my CAPM! hurray

Special Moment!  

The begin of 2013 is our 2nd Anniversary.. "someone" brought a new members to my teddy bear family. 
He also brought me pre-valentine's gift (this year valentine fall in CNY, too bad).. PANDORA bracelet!  started to create our own story, remember every special moment. 

P/S: Tomorrow (2 Feb) is my Birthday, getting older..hmm is getting mature! LOLX 
Make my birthday wish first ..Hope everyone stay healthy! Get increment & Bonus! My blog reader increase in this year!  
Hope all my wish come true! 
