Jolie's Diary @ Jolvlee Jolvlee

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但我不是买Clarisonic的啦,它的单价实在是太高了,只好退而求其次买Olay Regenerist  Advanced Cleasing System,价格大约便宜两、三倍吧,但还是有品质的保证。

目前Olay Regenerist  Advanced Cleasing System可以在Watson找到。
这一套Olay Regenerist  Advanced Cleasing System价值RM129.90。而刷头是可以替换的,价值RM24.90

Olay Regenerist  Advanced Cleasing System这一组里面包括有洗脸机、刷头、电池和Olay Regenerist Skin Renewal Cleanser (20 ml)。

“4x深度清洁:效果4倍于普通清洁方式,媲美专业洁肤仪,风靡欧美;光滑细腻,提亮肤色,令肌肤光鲜亮丽;温和去角质,直击污垢油脂,老化角质;促进后续专业护肤成分渗透,有效放大护肤产品功效;使用安全不刺激肌肤。-- Olay 官网”





去除超防水眼线(Majolica Majorca Automatic Eye liner) 。左边:用手普通清洗;右边:用洗脸机清洗。




为什么我会买Olay Regenerist Advanced Cleansing System呢?

After: 平常洗脸之后,我还是能摸到脸上还有一颗颗的粉刺(结果我又手贱的乱挤压)。用了洗脸机之后,明显粉刺少了很多!现在我的脸都是滑滑的,手贱的习惯改善了。 某人也试用了,男生的毛孔都非常大,而且粉刺、黑头超多的。他觉得洗脸机很神奇,原来之前他洗脸都洗不干净,他说他看着一颗颗的粉刺被刷出来了。

After: 现在我的毛孔都能深呼吸了,每天都感觉很清爽,而且皮肤状态有所改善(肤色比较均匀)。




Freedom and Individual
"Be free, be yourself." The eternal spirit of Mary Quant. 

Mary Quant 是著名的时尚设计师,也有“迷你裙之母”的称号。除了时装,Mary Quant的护肤和彩妆产品系列风行于英国和日本,目前这牌子也登陆马来西亚了,在Sunway Pyramid的MUSE by Watsons有Mary Quant的柜了!

Mary Quant的彩妆品系列是以“颜色”著称。 Mary Quant曾经说过“Everyone is copying my Stick and Crayons. But they can't copy my colours”。目前Mary Quant拥有120色组合眼影,14组合腮紅,36色唇膏,还有72色指甲油。是不是很惊人呢?

介绍完Mary Quant的基本资料后,接着是要分享我参加完她们的美妆工作坊之后的心得报告。 当天还有许多部落客出席,又认识一些新朋友。真的很感谢Manoah Consulting Sdn Bhd经常举办一些活动让部落客参与, 学到新东西、新产品和认识新朋友 :) Manoah Consulting Sdn Bhd成立快3年了,希望他们越做越好!


Cindy & Diana在尝试每一种颜色~ 果然是专业的美妆部落客

Mary Quant的保養品系列-Special Recipe

美女彩妆师 - Miss Takaki

模特儿有明星脸~ 大家都说她像周慧敏~
团体照是一定要的,大家试用完Mary Quant之后都变美美了~~~


(1)已经完成底妆的模特儿。使用Oil Zap makeup base在T字区,可以控制油脂分泌和遮盖粗大毛孔。其他部分则使用Moisture Zap Makeup base,同样的可以修饰粗糙及暗哑的肌肤。 至于底妆则用Obedient finish Oil Free Foundation

(2) 完成底妆后,接着就用Brow Line描绘眉毛。模特儿美眉皮肤比较白皙,所以用最浅的Camel Brown
(3) 使用三种颜色的眼影有浅至深,打造3D眼影(抱歉!我忘了记下色号)

(4) 接着,则是化上眼线和睫毛膏。照片看不太出来,其实彩妆师用偏红色系的下眼线和睫毛膏。

(5) 最后,化上腮红和唇彩就完成了。腮红可以用一种颜色以上的结合,再用比较亮色的打亮C字区 (日本人称Beauty Zone)。 而唇彩呢,彩妆师上完唇膏(Lipstick)后,在涂上薄薄的Colourshine for Lips(金色)。 所以模特儿美眉的唇彩看起来亮亮的,在不同的灯光下略有不同的颜色。

我很喜欢Mary Quant 的睫毛膏,它的特制刷头非常细,可以化到边边角角而且根根分明~线圈那一边是上睫毛膏的,绒毛的那一边是梳开睫毛和刷走多余的睫毛膏。

Action Lashings一共有7种颜色

自恋mode on 

再次提醒大家,Mary Quant的产品可以在MUSE by Watsons找到!

MUSE by Watsons 在哪里?
Lot LG1.59, Lower Ground One Sunway Pyramid.

What is TABLEAPP - Birthday Dining

" Malaysia FIRST restaurant dining app to simplify the birthday celebration. Let's make reservation and get exclusive discount."

What TABLEAPP - Birthday Dining can do? 

1. Best choice restaurants to celebrate birthday party
2. Reserve birthday exclusive offer
3. Remember your friends birthday

TABLEAPP Birthday Dining App just released few days ago, follow this guide would help you get more familiar with how to grab deals for your birthday party :P

Step 1: Import your friend list

To import your facebook friend list to our app. Firstly, you can do it on the introduction page when you just installed and open the app for the first time (Refer to image on the left). If you missed out on this, don't worry you could still import your facebook friends here on the third tab with a human icon(Refer to image on the right).

After importing your Facebook friend list, your available upcoming friends birthday will now appear on the Birthday Dining App.

Import facebook friend method 1
Import facebook friend method 2
Step 2: Find out birthday deals

You can now browse through all restaurants which offers birthday deals but before that you need to fill in some details for the search. Details such as date,time, for how many person, and area. After selecting all your preferred criteria, click the search button and we will list out all the restaurants which match with your search criteria.

By clicking on each of the restaurant, you get to see the details of the specific restaurant. Restaurant details such as address, dress code, cuisine, operating hours and also a more detailed promotion information.

Search Criteria

Search Result

Restaurant Details 1

Restaurant Details 2

Step 3: Make reservation

Finally when you finally decided on which restaurant to dine in. You can simply just make your reservation by clicking on the Make Reservation button. It will bring you to another page where you need to fill in your personal details such as name, email and phone number needed for reservation purposes. If you have some special request from the restaurant, you can fill it in as well. After you are done filling in your details, click on the make reservation button and your reservation will be completed

Personal Details and confirm reservation
Download the apps

or, you could go to TABLEAPP online reservation to make the reservation :)